Understanding Your Options When Charged With Drug Crimes
Laws pertaining to controlled dangerous substances (CDS) in Oklahoma lead to punishment of individuals for possession of drugs and for possession of items used in manufacturing these drugs. No one should take a CDS charge lightly. The harsh penalties accompanying arrest for a CDS include, in certain cases, large fines and lengthy prison sentences.
Lawyer Seth Adams has tremendous experience in defending individuals charged with CDS crimes. He makes certain the court hears your side of the story. As a knowledgeable attorney in this area of law, he fights to make certain no violations of your rights occur through the criminal law process.
The Complex Nature Of CDS Laws
CDS laws involve Schedule I, Schedule II, Schedule III, Schedule IV and Schedule V substances. The laws also include penalties for actual physical control (APS). Penalties for control or possession of these substances vary depending on which schedule covers the drug in question, whether it’s a first or subsequent offense, and the individual circumstances surrounding the arrest. The penalties significantly increase if the alleged buying or possession of the drug occurs in a school, public park or other recreation area. Additional convictions in a school area may even result in triple the penalties.
The laws are too complex, and the consequences are too harsh to take chances when facing CDS charges. You will need highly accomplished criminal defense attorney representation. Seth Adams knows how to try these cases. He’s a highly qualified negotiator and litigator. As a student of the law, he understands how to interpret Oklahoma’s CDS statutes and how to keep all consequences to a minimum.
Along with other substances, Seth Adams has defended individuals charged with CDS crimes involving possession of marijuana, illegal sales of prescription drugs, cocaine trafficking and manufacture of methamphetamine. His representation provides you the best chance for vindication.
How To Contact An Experienced CDS Charges Defense Lawyer
Contact the office of Seth Adams, Attorney at Law, by calling 580-547-4216. Our Clinton office provides free initial consultations. El abogado habla español.